Monday, May 9, 2011

Tips For The Big Day (Post Wedding)

Okay!  Here are my top tips for the big day:
  1. Make the decision that any projects that are left to do the day before the wedding get left undone: We stayed up till midnight wrestling with a seating list that wouldn't cooperate before giving up and going to bed.  I only got three hours of sleep and my mom only got five hours of sleep.  Yeah for adrenalin!!! 
  2. If possible, have a day of coordinator, who is not a guest:  Bekah was invaluable to us!  She fixed every issue before I was even aware there had been an issue, she thought of everything, covered all of our bases, and kept us on schedule.  Without her, we would have started an hour late, and gone over by at least two hours :-)
  3. Have candy ready to bribe, I mean "assist" the flower girl and ring bearer down the aisle: A red sucker worked wonders to avoid a ring bearer's melt-down!
  4. Eat when food is presented to you:  You will not be hungry when food is brought to you (in our case right before we took our photos).  We did not end up eating anything until after our cake cutting.
  5. If you are planning on visiting each table, make two rounds; one for saying thank you and one for photos: 
  6. The only regret that we have is that we didn't get around to everyone; we stopped for WAY too many photos!  It would have been much better if we'd done one round to say hello and another to take pictures.
  7. And most importantly, don't forget to BREATH and ENJOY!!!!


  1. Great tip about the DOC not being a guest! I was totally going to task a guest with that but you made me reconsider.

  2. There were soooo many day of details that she took care of. If she had been a guest she wouldn't have been able to enjoy the ceremony or the reception.

  3. Excellent advice. Especially point 1.
