Do you have your emergency kit put together yet? I know I still need to!
If you are putting together your own kit, I would recommend the following items:
Sewing Kit, including safety pins and small scissors
Nail file
Nail polish in your shade
Straws (for drinking without messing up lipstick)
Brush and comb
Bobbypins and hair elastics
Static-cling spray
Lint brush
Earring backs
Baby powder (also useful for getting out last-minute spills on a white dress)
Eye-drops (look for redness reducing)
Contact lens solution
Tampons and pads
Headache medicine (bring two different kinds in case one of the bridal party is allergic)
Bottle of water
If the task of gathering all these items is too daunting, there are plenty of places out there, including Amazon, and J. Crew, who sell small to large kits. Remember, just having these items will make your day less stressful!
Great list!